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Create multiple unique ornament designs using a reusable workflow

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video: Create multiple unique ornament designs using a reusable workflow

video: Create multiple unique ornament designs using a reusable workflow

Published on January 4, 2022


Key Software Capabilities

  • Surface textures
  • Lattice structures

Ornaments are holiday decoration items typically manufactured using traditional molding techniques. With a wide variety of geometric shapes and sizes, constantly redesigning these decorations can be a tedious task. With nTop, you can create multiple ornament designs in a matter of seconds using our reusable workflow capabilities.

In this nTop Live, Yuki Okada, Technical Marketing Engineer at nTop, shows you how an ornament can be created using nTop. He first takes a sphere and uses traditional lightweight-ing techniques such as shelling, perforating, and latticing to turn it into an ornament. Then with the established workflow, he’ll save it and make it reusable so it can be used to quickly create unique decorations out of a variety of other 3D objects.

Watch and learn how to:

  • Create a workflow for an ornament using lightweight-ing techniques
  • Turn an established workflow into a reusable one
  • Download and create your own ornament to print out

Download the files

Recreate the steps that Yuki followed in this nTop Training. To download all the necessary files for this training, please see this link.