Design conformal Jigs, fixtures and soft jaws for machining metal AM parts

video: Design conformal Jigs, fixtures and soft jaws for machining metal AM parts
Published on June 5, 2020
CNC machining is needed to finish metal Additive Manufacturing parts and meet tolerancing requirements. But workholding parts with complex, topology optimized geometries can be a challenge. A way to tackle this problem is to 3D print custom jigs, fixtures, and soft jaws that wrap around the part and secure it in place during machining.
In this nTop Live, Evan Pilz, Application Engineer at nTop, showcases a design workflow that enables you to automatically generate conformal jigs, fixtures, and soft jaws in nTop for even the most complex part geometries.
Watch and learn how to:
- Design custom jigs and fixtures to CNC machine topology optimized parts
- Generate soft jaws that can be inserted and removed to parts of any complexity
- Automate your whole design process using reusable workflows and save time
Access the files used during this session here.
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