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Simulation series - Select the right lattice structure using automated simulations and ranking

video: Simulation series - Select the right lattice structure using automated simulations and ranking

video: Simulation series - Select the right lattice structure using automated simulations and ranking

Published on March 2, 2021


  • General

Key Software Capabilities

  • Simulation
  • Lattice structures

Blake Johnson, nTop

Choosing the right lattice for a specific application is not an easy task. With so many different unit cells and tunable parameters, designing a lattice structure that has the desired properties and performance can be challenging.

In this nTop Live, Blake Johnson, Customer Success Engineer at nTop, shows you how to assess the behavior of a lattice structure in an automated way in nTop. He uses built-in simulation tools to analyze multiple lattice variations and rank them based on their weight and mechanical performance. 

Key takeaways: 

  • Apply different lattice infills to parts imported to nTop from CAD
  • Automate the FE simulation step of multiple designs to return key performance metrics
  • Visually rank design variations to select the best lattice for the job